Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thinking of grand ideas

This is a story about how a blog about falling asleep came to be.

For some reason, one of my brain's favorite hobbies when I'm trying to fall asleep is dreaming about all of the great things I could be doing with my life in the near future. For example, I have a school project that I'm doggedly trying to turn into a patent, but my 5 other team members are often slow to respond and I often get distracted by work and the patenting process at my school seems to be a huge chore, so the project has only taken some slow and tiny steps towards what seems to be a very distant goal. I don't think about this project much during the day; not at work, since I'm trying (and probably failing) to focus on work, and not at night, since I'm trying (and possibly failing) to focus on winning whatever video game I happen to be playing. But as soon as I tell myself it's time to fall asleep, and I'd better fall asleep now otherwise I'll be tired tomorrow, my brain just goes "HEY, so how about that patent, eh?!" To which I reply "Eh? Go to sleep, you crazy bugger." Which simply seems to encourage my brain to go "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if you got a patent out of the project and it catches the attention of a big company, like Hasbro? What if they want to buy it from you for A MILLION BUCKS? How cool would that be? Or what if you just turn it into a product on your own? You'd be a frickin' billionaire!" And so on and so forth until it's exhaustively detailed about 5 ways that I could become rich and successful and famous, provided that I start working on the patent NOW. And at this point my sleep-deprived sense of reason is just nodding along like an eager puppy going "Yeah, yeah! Let's get started right now!" Which probably would've driven me to jump out of bed and start firing off emails to my MIA group members had my body not already been half asleep. And my brain is fine with that, it'll just keep babbling on about my next big idea. Which lands "thinking of grand ideas" in the huge bucket of "how I don't fall asleep" tips.

Somehow, last night, as I was making my way down my list of mostly useless sleeping tricks, my brain piped up with "HEY, you should make a site for people to share their sleeping tricks!" To which my rather peeved sense of reason actually perked up and said "You know what? I think I might just do it...tomorrow. Now SHUT UP." It then moved on to the next sleeping trick on my list, which, combined with the Nyquil, actually seemed to work. But that's a tale for another post!

The End.


So here we go. A boring blog name for a self-admittedly boring blog. I rather like it; it's like a built in disclaimer: this blog will not contain cool stories or interesting pictures. You won't get a laugh or a fashion tip or a grand piece of life advice from reading this. This blog will pretty much be about what it says it'll be about: my nightly and most likely failed attempts at falling asleep. I'm simply hoping that this might help other people out there who, like me, have trouble sleeping. Maybe they'll learn a trick or two that they haven't tried yet, and maybe they'll post about a trick or two that I can try. Now, I'll admit that I'm not the medical definition of an insomniac -- I haven't had to see a doctor, I'm not taking any medication for this. I simply have trouble falling asleep unless I'm dead tired. I've been like this since I was born, so I feel like it's probably not because of my diet, exercise habits, pillow height or anything else that those cheerful lifestyle magazine articles keep insisting on (5 Fast Ways of Falling Asleep - page 10!). No, Women's Health, listening to calming music in bed does not help. I find it pretty ironic that this first post is probably awful, seeing as how I'm tired from -- you guessed it -- not getting enough sleep last night. I say 'probably' because I think it's okay now, but my sense of judgement isn't exactly performing at its peak right now. I feel like any reader that somehow hasn't been bored away by now will most likely get annoyed if I start blathering about how tired I am, oh, woe is me, so I'll sign off for now and see if I can get this whole posting thing figured out. Cheers!